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Fairway Living: Teeing Off the Pros and Cons in Celebration of Masters Weekend

Charles King

Charlie's real estate career began in 2012 as a rental agent in Boston. After one year of working in the business, Charlie jumped into sales...

Charlie's real estate career began in 2012 as a rental agent in Boston. After one year of working in the business, Charlie jumped into sales...

Apr 16 3 minutes read

In honor of Masters Weekend, I examine the pros and cons of living on a golf course. Golf courses offer a unique blend of leisure and lifestyle, offering a picturesque setting that many find appealing. Below, we explore the perks and minuses of residing in such a distinctive locale


  1. Scenic Views: One of the most immediate benefits of living on a golf course is the access to uninterrupted, serene views. The lush, well-maintained greens and open spaces provide a scenic backdrop to daily life, enhancing the aesthetic value of your home.
  2. Recreational Access: For golf enthusiasts, the convenience of having a golf course right at your doorstep cannot be overstated. It offers unparalleled access to the sport, allowing for frequent play without long commutes.
  3. Community and Social Life: Golf course communities often come with a built-in social network. They tend to foster a sense of camaraderie among residents with clubs, activities, and events that can enrich your social life.
  4. Property Value: Homes on golf courses are often perceived as prestigious, which can bolster property values. The exclusive nature of such properties and their desirable views and amenities can make them a good investment.
  5. Quiet Environment: Golf courses are generally calm, peaceful places, providing a tranquil environment that's removed from the hustle and bustle of city life. This can contribute to a relaxing home atmosphere.


  1. Golf Balls and Privacy Concerns: One practical concern of living on a golf course is the risk of stray golf balls causing damage or injury. Additionally, golfers passing by can lead to a perceived lack of privacy for homeowners.
  2. Higher Costs: Living in a golf course community often comes with higher homeowners association (HOA) fees and property taxes. The maintenance of the course and its facilities and the premium for the location can contribute to these increased costs.
  3. Pesticides and Chemicals: Maintaining a golf course's lush greens often involves using chemicals and pesticides, which can be a concern for residents, particularly those with health sensitivities or environmental concerns.
  4. Restricted Access: Some golf course communities have restrictions on when and how the course can be used by residents, limiting access to certain times or requiring additional fees for play.
  5. Noise: While generally peaceful, living on a golf course can occasionally be noisy during early morning maintenance work or during tournaments and events hosted by the club.

In summary, living on a golf course offers a blend of luxury, leisure, and community but has drawbacks. Potential residents should weigh these factors carefully to determine if golf course living aligns with their priorities.

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